Monday, August 18, 2014

Online Compiler
Try Compilone
An online compiler that supports more than 15 programming languages.

Features like :
1) Allows you to create/save/delete Programs or Folders on server (Directory structure provided /username/SPOJ/ ..... or /username/CODECHEF/..).
2) Allows you to rename/cut/copy/paste Programs or Folders.
3) Allows you save your default template , that can be easily loaded for any program in any language.
4) Allows you to import and export your programs (Zipped format).
5) Allows you to share your codes links (secret mode).
6) Allows you change editor theme (more than 10 themes).
7) Allows you change editor Font Size.(as per requirement).
8) Allows you change editor type. (like vim,emacs)
9) Allows you to work in fullscreen editor mode.
10) Allows you to use Keyboard Shortcuts.
fb link

1 comment:

  1. How about this online java debugger WhizCoder which has both compiler and debugger for java language
